In our brand new blog, we delve deep into the art of orchestrating successful projects that resonate with cultural significance. Whether you’re an aspiring cultural manager, seasoned professional, or passionate about cultural initiatives, our blog offers valuable insights. Discover best practices, expert tips, and personal anecdotes that illuminate the path to effective project execution and organizational achievement.

The Journey Never Ends

The Journey Never Ends

People are always asking how I manage to be constantly on the go. Honestly, it’s pretty simple — I just need my laptop, camera, and internet. That’s it! I can work from anywhere in the world. I don’t just live in multiple cities…

Navigating the Maze of Tender Writing

Navigating the Maze of Tender Writing

For those who know me, it’s no secret that I dabble in tender writing. This craft is no walk in the park. I often hear complaints like, “I don’t have the nerves for this,” or “The platforms are just too confusing…

A Newbie’s Adventure at Classical:NEXT

A Newbie’s Adventure at Classical:NEXT

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in a project, staring at a fork in the road, utterly clueless about which path to take? When your project is hefty enough, the best move is to dive headfirst into…